
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

This is the "Cream of the Crop"?

I am so blessed!  I have been working with the cream of the crop...those who rise to the top, take an official or unofficial leadership role.  This past week it was teacher leaders in a small North Texas town.  Each teacher received a Windows tablet during Teacher Appreciation week.  Our task with this group is to support the instructional use of technology tools. We had two kick off days to begin our year-long work together that will include face-to-face time and individual coaching.

At first glance, we could complain....

  • I only have three high school teacher in the group of sixteen....BUT I have three high school teachers!!!
  • Many in this group are struggling with the basics of the device....BUT these leaders are actively participating despite the fact that they are still uncomfortable with their device.
  • Most in the group have experienced poor performance from technology tools and network connectivity....BUT they are taking a leap of faith that their tools and infrastructure will continue to improve.
YES!!!! This the cream of the crop!  This group designed a staff development day for their colleagues and volunteered to lead a small group to learn a specific tool/concept.  That is a huge risk BUT I believe their payoff will be grand.  I will learn much more from them than I could ever repay

Monday, June 16, 2014

Am I typical?

Thanks to my colleague, @TracieGCain for sharing....

I LOVE this!!  It goes hand in hand with the Robert Ballard explanation about innovators beating your head against the wall.
The typical person/educator recognizes that the brick wall is a barrier and follows expected behavior.

It also explains why it is exhausting to do the work we do and why we are perceived as "rule-breakers".
It's NOT that we break the rules (most of the time), it is that we see a goal, a land of milk & honey on the other side of the brick wall.
We believe that if we push, sell, cheer, model, coach, cajole, take over, etc. enough....that the brick wall will move.
I believe it degree at a time. 
As Tracie will tell you, one degree makes a HUGE difference!!
Water is water at 211⁰ but becomes steam at 212⁰.
That is great if you start at 211⁰, but in most cases, we are starting at room temperature.

So what’s our response?  Do we just accept it?  Sorry girls!  Not in our nature.
As Robert Ballard explained….we do “it” because of who we are.  It’s who He built us to be.

And, I believe the wall will move…..of course, we’ll discover a new one…for that is our nature….

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Unleash Innovative Learning

It's amazing, absolutely amazing, when the dots connect and I am fortunate to see the ideas of brilliant people converge to unleash even more brilliance.  I was blessed to facilitate a process with an amazing group of Instructional Technology Specialists (Digital Learning Team).  They spent 2 days solidifying what they believe, where they are going, and creating action plan that will help them focus on the priority needs for their learners.

They developed a logo inspired by the image below.... and a tagline - UNLEASH INNOVATIVE LEARNING.

Their focus will revolve around the "4 C's, with three audiences - Curriculum & Instruction, Administration, Campuses.  They are equipped with research based resources to connect other district initiatives and terminology to the 4 C's.  I'm looking forward to seeing their plan in action and watching the growth that emerges from their work.

They immersed me into the role of a 21st century/future ready facilitator of learning.  Some of the hardest work I've ever done was preparing for this workshop.  The actual workshop day was exhausting, but for a different reason than past experiences.  I did little more than wander the room, occasionally asking a question to coach the team toward their goals.  I was physically exhausted from standing all day, but not from talking.  I was mentally exhausted from thinking....not from thinking about what I was going to say, but how I could phrase my questions to....


Praise goes not to me....but to those who have previously fed me with strategies, structures, and tools!; To my amazing team of learners for their innovative learning;  and the One who is in control of the unleashing....