I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE teaching teachers as I always learn WAYYYY more than I could ever teach others. Teachers conference that my premise is correct, no matter the grade level/content area:
all teacher give students some sort of prompt and expect some sort of response...
Thanks so much to Kimberly Bojko, Kindergarten teacher at Griffin Elem., for helping me with this concept and how it translates to the SMARTboard for the benefit of students:
1. Create your prompt on a page in SMART Notebook.
2. In 2 page view, pin the page.
3. Student groups add new pages, record names on the new page and record responses.
4. If possible create manipulatives (keep it simple) on the prompt page that are infinitely cloned.
Great strategy for easily setting up you SMARTboard to be used as a meaningful workstation.
Please let me know if you need more details!
Other things I learned...teachers want to know how to incorporate websites and videos. They didn't expect to LOVE the new/improved ability to print to SMART Notebook in version 10.8.
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